Islamic Scholars
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Ibrahim Ahmad Makari was born in Zaria, Nigeria in 1976. He graduated from Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Department of Arabic Language. Upon his return to Nigeria, he joined the academic line and steadily climbed through the ranks until he became Professor of Arabic in 2017 at the age of Fourty.
He also studied in the hands of some of the most eminent scholars both in Nigeria and beyond. His academic and literary works have been used as research topics for more than twenty thesis by researchers in Nigerian and foreign universities.
Ibrahim Makari participated in tens of local and international conferences and seminars, publishing tens of articles.
In the year 1438H, he had the honour of delivering a lecture before his Royal Majesty, the King of Morocco, Muhammad the Sixth during the Annual Hasaniyah Lecture Series.
- He authored over thirty books in different academic disciplines other than Arabic Language, among which are:
،العشرة المبشرون بالجنة. (The hundred People whose occupancy of the paradise was prophesied by the Messenger of Allah, SAW) - ألفية الجرح والتعديل – (A riposte to the injurious attack on the men of Jamiu’s Sahih (A book)
.الرؤيا مكانتها وأحكامها الشرعية – Vision (Dream), it’s place and ruling in the view point of Shariah. - سد الذرائع بين المذاهب األربعة – (Pre-empting pretexs as viewed by the four major schools of Jurisprudence.
- Necessity that can legitimise the forbidden.
- A summary of Ishiriniyyah (a eulogy of Prophet Muhammad)
- Considering Intentions in contracting trade agreements. (A comparative Study)
- The phenomenon of Salafiyyah in dealing with religious texts.
- The concept of Bidiah ( between restrictive measures and systematic breach) .
- With the English Orientalist, Reynolds Alen Nicholson on the Origin of Islamic suffism.
He presently works as Imam in the National Mosque Abuja
Below are some of the positions he currently holds:
- Chairman, Islamic Centre for Peace and Development in Nigeria.
- Chairman, Tazkiyah group of Primary and secondary schools.
- Chairman, Board of Directors, Falah group of schools.
- Chairman, board of directors, vertex University project
- Chairman Board of Trustees, Tazkiyyah orphans scheme initiative
- Chairman Board of Trustees, Caravan of love for Cooperation.
- Chairman board of directors, Manahel Al- Irfan Islamic Schools.
- Member, Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs
- Member, Board of Fatwa, Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs.
- Member, Assembly of Msulims in Nigeria
- Member Muhammad the Sixth Foundation for African Scholars.
- Member, Editorial board of the African Ulama Magazine.